> I would like to migrate to Debian-AMD64 system, how can I do it, without 
> interrupting for more
> than 5 minutes my services which are running on it?

Last Saturday, I implemented a process converting data from one of our
systems to a new protocol version.  My part of that effort was on the
database side, and involved about a 1 hour outage, which was added to
several hours of sysadmin effort...

For that change to involve 1 hour of database outage required that
some of us clever folks start planning how to do this about a year

You're without hope in this, at least based on the methodology you
seem to  think you're using.

Point #1.  You need another server to do this.

If you can't get one, you can't have a five minute outage.

Point #2.  You need to have a REALLY CLEAR inventory of what services
you need to migrate.

It is entirely likely that there will be some that can be migrated
painlessly, possibly even without any evident outage.

You need to have a plan for each and every service that is to be
migrated.  Otherwise the migration will fail.

We have one server at work running an ancient (and now totally
unmaintainable!) Debian release; a project to shift services off of it
in 2003 has still not completed.  We got databases off of it, but
there is still an Apache instance running a bunch of little CGI apps
that haven't been successfully run anywhere else :-(.  Planning and
intent took place, but it turned out to be just too painful to migrate
everything off the box.
"The true  measure of a  man is how he treats  someone who can  do him
absolutely no good." -- Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)

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