Thanks for all the useful advice.  One follow-up question: should I
spring for a genunie hardware controller card?  Or is a Linux software
RAID "good enough?"

On 9/22/05, Steve Dondley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is anyone out there running a AMD64 system with onboard raid
> controllers?  Any problems?  I'm looking at buying a server with a
> Tyan Thunder K8S Pro S2882G3NR motherboard with an onboard cotnroller
> but the server complany states on their website that:
> "Support for onboard RAID controllers has been depreciated in the
> Linux 2.6 Kernel. If you desire RAID the system may be configured with
> software RAID or you may select a hardware RAID controller."
> Can anyone out there back this up or refute it?
> --
> Dondley Communications
> Communicate or Die: American Labor Unions and the Internet

Dondley Communications

Communicate or Die: American Labor Unions and the Internet

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