
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 05:00:49PM +0200, trango wrote:
> I've tried playing Enemy Territory using the ia32libs but for some
> weird reason it doesnt work any well.

basically, this should work if you setup the system according to the
following steps:

- use module-assistant to build the nvidia kernel package
- install ia32-libs and nvidia-glx-ia32
- make sure GLX acceleration is working (glxinfo should report lots of
  extensions and glxgears should be _fast_)

I have quake123 and doom3 working this way.

> As I'm sure it does work in
> pure32bits (i've tried) I tried to install it in the chroot and run it
> in another X (run from the chroot) but I found I'm not able to make it
> see the nvidia kernel module. As the system is working with a 64bits
> kernel I'm not able to compile the module or even to make it work in
> the chroot. Have any of you been able to? 

check the amd64 howto at


on how to setup a chroot. you must copy the 32bit nvidia libs into the
chroot and have the nvidiactl devices created, unless you use udev and
bind-mount /dev into the chroot, too.

Best regards
Frederik Schueler


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