On 10/7/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

would you mind sharing the steps you took to get Wine working? If you have
enough time, possibly including IE?

Sure, no problem. While checking my installation I have to correct myself - Wine runs in the ia32 chroot and not proprietary under amd64. But once you have a chroot this does not really matter anymore.

1. Implement chroot as described in the amd64-HOWTO
2. Go into the chroot  (dchroot -d)
3. as root: apt-get install cabextract (this is needed later on to handle Windows cab-files)
4. as root: apt-get install wine. I use etch/testing, and the wine is version 20050628. This is one of the first versions not using the config file anymore but a Windows registry - so be careful when googling for more information that you really refer to the correct wine version.
4. as user: Save your ~/.wine directory to a safe place (cp .wine .wine.ORIG). This directory contains your WHOLE windows directory structure, and I strongly recommed that you safe this directory before any major installation attempt. If something fails with your software installations you can easily restore your former configuration by just restoring the .wine directory
5. Follow http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/ and download and run Sergio's script - this really did everything for me.
6. The script installs everything in .ies4linux. To have standard Debian again: mv .ies4linux .wine
7. cd ~/.wine/dosdevices
8. ln -s /tmp t: (you can choose any other valid temp directory but it must be symlinked to t: - you can probably change this in the registry, but I find the symlink much easier)
9. your dosdevices should now contain c:-->../drive_c, t:-->/tmp, and z:-->/ (alternatively, you may point z: to your homedir)

It may be necessary to copy some original Windows dll files into the wine directory, I don't remember this exactly. Best is after any new software installation that you study very carefully the output in the wine console. It tells you which dll's are required, and you can simply copy them from a 'real' Windows C:\windows\system32 to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system. Then restart your application and check console output again.

Worth a try:
wineboot ('reboots' your wine-windows)

This should give you a start. And remember: always save ~/.wine before installing or configuring anything new...

I have written this out of my mind, maybe I have forgotten something. Feel free to send me an email if you have a problem somewhere or need a more specific configuration advise.

Best regards / Mit den besten GrĂ¼ssen
Sven Krahn

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