On 10/11/05, Tobias Krais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sounds interesting, but please tell me more. One hint in advance. Use
> the new driver for your Ralink wireless card. Then ra0 changes to eth1.
> Now, please paste /etc/network/interfaces.

The Ralink driver is already the newest. (Hasn't been updated since
sometime in 2004)

/etc/network/interfaces -->
########## The loopback network interface ###
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

########### The primary network interface ###

#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static

########### The wireless network interface ###

iface ra0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid YahooBB

auto ra0

NOTE - Until recently I had only the "dhcp" line in the above. I
rebooted into windows, did an ipconfig and then entered that exact
information in (above) as static ip information. (Yeah, I know the
netmask is non-standard and the gateway is 131 instead of 128 ... but
that is what the working configuation under windows displayed.)

Also, I added the line "auto eth0" to the above, but after a restart
it has disappeared.

> Do you use a router or just a DSL modem?

It is a DSL modem with both wireless and ethernet. No separate router.

> Can you manually start your eth0 device? Try (supposing your network is
> ifconfig ra0 down
> ifconfig eth0 up
> route add default gw and then ping your router.

Nope. This didn't work.

I have tried:
     ifconfig eth0 up
     /etc/init.d/networking restart

I have tried to activate / deactivate either of the eth0 or ra0
interfaces via the GUI. I have rebooted a few times as well. Nothing
has had any effect other than sometimes turning OFF the wireless.

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