I know I should be sending this to the KDE list, but this could easily
be a amd64-specific bug...

This is a small problem, so I think it's okay that I annoy the amd64
list with this.  I just reinstalled Debian and have just installed KDE
via aptitude.  However, I'm still in text mode.  I've tried both
startkde and startx.  startx tells me the following:
<stuff off screen I can't read>
Writing authority file /root/.Xauthority
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xerverrc: line 2: /usr/bin/X11/X: No such
file or directory
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xerverrc: line 2: exec: /usr/bin/X11/X:
cannot execute: No such file or directory
xinit: server error.
Athlon64:/etc/kde3/kdm# xconfig
bash: xconfig: command not found
Athlon64:/etc/kde3/kdm# xconfigure
bash: xconfigure: command not found
Athlon64:/etc/kde3/kdm# startx
<loops through all the above lines to:>
xinit: Server error.

That was startx.

startkde goes like so:
xsetroot: unable to open display ''
xset: unable to open display ""
xsetroot: unable to open display ''
startkde: Starting up...
startkde: Running kpersonalizer...
kwin: cannot connect to X server
kpersonalizer: cannot connect to X server
kpersonalizer: cannot connect to X server
kpersonalizer: cannot connect to X server

kpersonalizer then loops until I hit ctrl+c to stop the runaway process.

I'm totally stumped, and am open to any suggestions you might have.
=== GCB v3.1 ===
GCS d-(+) s+:- a? C+(++++) UL+++(++++) P L++(+++)
E- W+(+++) N++ w--- M>++ PS-- PE Y+ PGP- t++(+++) 5?
X? R !tv>-- b++>++++ DI+++>++++ D-- G !e h(*) !r x---
=== EGCB v3.1 ===

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