On 10/20/05, Matthias Julius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

LVM does not find sda2.  What does pvdisplay /dev/sda2 say?

% pvdisplay /dev/sda2
  No physical volume label read from /dev/sda2
  Failed to read physical volume "/dev/sda2"


I guess LVM only scans devices that have its type set to LVM.  So it
might be enough to just do that for sda2.

Before, the partition type for /dev/sdb1 was ext3 (ie 82). Now it is LVM (8e). So you are saying that just by changing the partition type the data is not effected, right? If I now change it BACK to ext3, do you suppose everything will be mount-able?

Right now sda2 is showing up as type "Linux". It was previously set to ext3 so this looks correct, but since I created the VG and LV, I can't mount it with mount -t ext3 .... or mount -t auto.

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