On Monday, 24.10.2005 at 23:01 +0100, Paul Brook wrote:

> On Monday 24 October 2005 22:35, Max wrote:
> > Dave Ewart wrote:
> > > Is it because I have a 32-bit i686 userspace and this is
> > > considered cross-compiling or something??
> >
> >  From old version of FAQ:
> >
> > ===
> >
> > *Crosscompiling a 64bit kernel on a 32bit host*
> <snip>
> Most of this is obsolete. The Debian i386 gcc-3.4 packages have biarch amd64 
> support.

So what does that actually mean for the compilation process?

I found, after failing to build an amd64-k8 kernel with gcc 3.3, that
using gcc 3.4 did no better.

Do I need to do anything 'different' during the kernel build to make it
build an amd64-k8 kernel?

I'm currently doing this:

make-kpkg clean
make menuconfig (setting pc-arch/amd64/k8 etc.)
make-kpkg kernel_image

This results in the i686 kernel I described previously.

Do I need to give further options to the above kernel-building commands
to make it produce an amd64-k8 version?

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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