well the idea was reusing the idea of a distributed/p2p mirroring
concept. not necessarily tied to a specific protocol, but it is a
standard... (and the .torrent files could be compiled just like the
md5 signature files, still on a central mirror/mirrors, but those
would only run trackers and not do a lot of seeding, it would be up to
the rest of the world to seed)

i know that i would run one of these. i would put an upload cap on it,
since i don't have unmetered connectivity yet on my colocated cluster,
but i would contribute. :)

i'm just thinking of ways to offload reliance on the mirrors for -all-
types of transfering.

- mike

On 10/31/05, Lennart Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Someone suggested that in the past.  As far as I recall here are some of
> the problems that were pointed out:
> You would need a .torrent per deb file
> Many files are small while bittorrent is best for larger files that can
> be divided into blocks for parallel transfers.
> Someone has to generate all these torrent files and then you have to
> mirror those around so apt-get can get the torrent to then connect to a
> tracker to then start downloading the deb.  Often for smaller deb files
> the actual download from http would have been faster.


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