Goswin von Brederlow ha scritto:

>Imho dpkg should just put the files into /usr/lib32/ without any
>complains. On the other hand, if dpkg unpacks libg2c0-dev before
>ia32-libs, it would create a dir and the link would try to overwrite
>this. That case has to be avoided.
>We might have to do some hacks to make this work right. One idea would
>be to have libc6 contain a real directory /usr/lib32 and create
>/usr/lib32 as link beforehand in preinst (or convert it to one if it
>is a dir).
Or 32 bit packages could have files under /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib
instead /usr/lib32.

Alessandro Dal Grande
Student In The University Of Padua - Computer Science
Linux Registered User #359258
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