On Tuesday 13 December 2005 8:02 am, Jo Shields wrote:

> Debian isn't a "source based" distro like gentoo - if you really want to
> do that, look at "Debian from Scratch" - though I'd not recommend
> source-based distributions

If you are referring to DFS - Debian from Scratch from John Goerzen, 
it is not source based either - it simply allows you to boot into a Debian 
system from CD and provides a collection of packages for installing your 
system manually from the command line.  You still use the same deb's from the 
same mirrors or the CD.  It works very well though and gives you absolute 
control over the install, and makes a great rescue disk - its not for anyone 
shy of the command line though.

John C. Martin - http://www.cs.utk.edu/~jomartin
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