On Monday 16 January 2006 19:41, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:
> A Dimarts 17 Gener 2006 00:16, Gilles va escriure:
> > > apt-get install kernel-source I always have the
> > > nvidia-kernel-source [1.0.7174-3]
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > nvidia: Unknown symbol register_ioctl32_conversion
> > > nvidia: Unknown symbol unregister_ioctl32_conversion
> >
> > It seems that, on AMD64, you have to use at least 1.0.7676 to
> > avoid this error.
> ok, and how do I do to install this packages with apt-get?
> or do I have to do it manually?
> Regards,
> Leo

apt-get install  nvidia-kernel-source=1.0.7676-2 or for that matter use 
1.0.8178-1 to get the latest you will probably have to use the =version 
when install the -glx and -dev packages as well.


Debian the choice of a GNU generation

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