On 3/24/06, David Liontooth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cloned a drive, starting with the MBR:
>   dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc  bs=446 count=1
> However, after installing the cloned drive in the new machine, all I get
> is a scrolling GRUB filling the screen. I downloaded an amd64 netboot
> CD, mounted / and /boot in /target,

Did you do a mount -o bind /dev /target/dev ?

> In the installer shell, I get
> ~ # df
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> tmpfs                   102400     30248     72152  30% /
> /dev/cdroms/cdrom0       86390     86390         0 100% /cdrom
> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2  7740384   3197252   4149944  44%
> /target
> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1    97826      9736     82871  11%
> /target/boot
So /dev is not bind mounted in target, try bind mounting it

> So it's using devfs, which I thought was deprecated?
AFAIK Sarge CD uses devfs,
but the etch installer uses udev, quote from that bugreport:
"d-i uses the device naming scheme originally used by devfs (although
we use udev now)".

> What do I tell
> grub-installer?
Use devfs naming, /dev/ide/host0/...., see where is the equivalent of hda.

> [...]
> klogd[245]: segfault at 000000000000003e rip 0000002a9568b94e rsp
> 0000007fbfffe2a0 error 6
How did this segfault happen?

> [...]
> What can I do? All I want is to rewrite the MBR, the installation itself
> is fine.
If the netboot CD isnt working for you, could you try using a LiveCD,
like Knoppix?

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