Load teh 3w-xxxx I not how but it works.


Am Sonntag 26 März 2006 04:42 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Greetings:
> I have a machine that I'm trying to install Debian onto.  The hardware
> consists of:
> Tyan K8WE Motherboard
> (2) Opteron 270 CPUs
> 4GB memory
> 3Ware 9500S with 4(RAID5) HDs
> The driver for the 3Ware card (3w-9xxx) isn't loaded by the installer, so
> there is no device /dev/sda to install onto.  Using the second virtual
> console to manually load the 3w-9xxx driver doesn't help.  The driver loads
> correctly, but it doesn't detect the disk array.  This behavior occurs with
> the Beta 2 Etch netboot image, and with the nightly build also.  The Sarge
> image doesn't work either, but it fails even earlier in the process.
> I thought that perhaps some of the drivers that were getting loaded were
> interfering with the operation of the 3w-9xxx driver, so I tried the
> install in expert mode and didn't let the installer load all of those ide
> chipset drivers, but it didn't help.  I tried a PXE network install so that
> I could load no IDE drivers, but no dice either.
> I don't know if it is a problem with this particular kernel version or
> what.  I tried the Ubuntu 5.10 live CD which has 2.6.12, and it is able to
> load the 3w-9xxx driver and see /dev/sda properly.
> After loading the driver manually, dmesg reports that version
> is loaded.
> Can anyone offer any insight?
> Thanks.

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