Hendrik Tews a écrit :
Dear all,

does anybody have experiences with the ASUS A8N-SLI Motherboard
or its Deluxe variant? Does Debian run out of the box on it?
I have an A8N-SLI Premium, Sarge NetInstall CD ran out of the box :-).
On this motherboard, there's a Venice 3500+, and a nVidia 6600 GT video from Leadtek.
This last one works fine with nVidia provided drivers :-).
What motherboards do people use or recomment for an AMD dual core
Athlon (Athlon 64 X2)?
hmmm, let me see... I would recommend A8N-SLI Premium of course :-). This one have a heatpipe to cool the northbridge insted of a fan. I've heard that some models of Gigabyte also have a heatpipe.


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