Hello everybody,

I'm having problem with openoffice, which is launched in a chroot'ed
I automount a remote directory in my home partition which is mounted
twice, once in the host environment and once in the chroot :
fstab :
/dev/sda10 /home ...
/dev/sda10 /var/chroot/sarge-ia32/home

then I put two mount points in auto.master with the same map :
/mnt/cassiopee   /etc/auto.line.classe   --timeout=60
/var/chroot/sarge-ia32/mnt/cassiopee   /etc/auto.line.classe   --timeout=60

In openoffice, files from the remote directory can only be opened in
read-only mode, and new files can't be saved in that directory
correctly : an empty file is saved whereas a input/output error poped

Has someone any idea to open and save correctly those files from and
to the remote point ?
thanks in advance


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