Þann Föstudagur 5. maí 2006 08:32 skrifaði jmt:
> >    Sorry for the disturbion but I would like to mention some things.
> > I have been thinking about if it was possible to set up some bug list as
> > a kind of quality assurance for commercial programs in Debian. Most
> > commercial programs I have seen are only said to be compatible with
> > RedHat and sometimes SuSe.
> Mind that most commercial programs, targeted for RedHat or SuSe, are
> generally i386 ONLY !
> Second point : commercial program editors want to rely on some king of
> system certification ; even if what RedHat or SuSe provide is far from
> satisfaction, it can take place in a business process, as a mention to good
> practice.
> Third : what made Apple fortune : a very narrow hardware selection ! If a
> commercial program had to rely on
> - amd64
> - nvidia
> on top of any other hardware combination you can imagine, this list would
> generate thousands messages a day !
> jmt
Thanks for your answer
   You are most probably right in all your points but I can mention that in my 
case. I need to run the following programs:
Cadence, Matlab, Femlab, Sonnet, ADS, ISE-Tcad and Proxecco.
Debian is not supported by the producers of these programs but I have managed 
to make them run more or less flawlessly on my computer. I would rather not 
need to switch to SuSe nor RedHad, just for running these programs but when 
advising other people on what distribution to choose, I cannot say Debian 
because of this lack of quality assurance.
   Anyway, I see a problem with Debian that might be solved in some clever way 
but this list is perhaps not be the right forum for these ideas. If anyone 
could point out a better forum for this idea I would be happy.


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