El Jueves, 25 de Mayo de 2006 15:05, Lennart Sorensen escribió:
> On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 02:29:28PM +0200, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
> > I'm about to buy a new computer, and I'm more or less decided on choosing
> > a A8N-SLI Premium motherboard.
> >
> > My main reason for choosing it, it's some good comments on this list, and
> > the fact that it has firewire/ieee 1394. I would like to know, though, if
> > it is supported with Debian, and if someone here has a positive
> > experience with it.
> I have seen people claim to run that board with debian before, and being
> an nvidia chipset, it generally has no problems.
> Firewire is never a problem in my experience.  It seems that unlike usb,
> the firewire vendors did actually agree on a software interface, so that
> a single driver should run all PCI firewire controllers made by anyone.
> I have yet to meet one that didn't work.  Firewire 800 might be
> different, but all the 400Mbit ports have worked that I have tried.

Very nice to read this. Thanks a lot!

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://barnacity.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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