On Monday 19 June 2006 04:53, you wrote:
> This latest image does indeed have version 1.16 of cdrom-detect, but
> it appears to have a kernel version issue.  The installer is running
> version 2.6.15, while all the udebs on the cd image are for kernel
> 2.6.16.

Right. That was a change that needed to happen too due to a recent upload 
of kernel udebs. I've made the change and after the next build the 
installer should use the 2.6.16-2 kernel, in line with the available 

> I'm not sure whether it is worth tacking this on to the original issue,
> or starting a new one. 

Using the existing bug is fine as it is still a "image horribly broken" 
issue ;-) I'm sending this reply there.

Thanks for testing the new image. Hope you're willing to do the same again 


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