On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 02:13:42PM +0200, Jan De Luyck wrote:
> Hello list,
> Just a short question: I'm getting an AMD64 system delivered soon, and I'd 
> like to make use of the nvidia 'softraid' that comes with it (I need it in 
> both OS' that will run on the box).

Um, I haven't done such a mixed installation, but that nvidia softraid
is likely to give you grief, and even if the motherboard dies on you,
and you want to get back at your data. Doesn't newer (XP and 2003 etc.)
do a soft RAID of it's own, so you can skip this BIOS soft RAID
monstrosity? I don't think you're getting a major tradeoff out of this,
maybe a little less performance under Windows, but better performance
under Linux.
> I haven't really found much documentation on this: is this supported from the 
> debian installer on amd64? Or is it manual work?

You probably will need a very recent kernel, and I'm not too sure
whether the nvidia soft RAID is binary-only driver? (just a speculation,
don't know).

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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