On Saturday, 09.09.2006 at 13:33 +0200, Raimund Jacob wrote:

> >> Checking out a largish CVS module is no fun. The data is retrieved via
> >> cvs pserver from the file server and written back via NFS into my home
> >> directory. 
> > 
> > Have you checked your NFS settings? I'd expect that to be the main 
> > bottleneck 
> > in this setup.
> hm, that's a nice idea. I worked locally on the server machine for a
> while (but in the same setup, which only eliminates NFS access) and it
> does indeed feel better. on the other hand we have weekend. anyway, here
> is my NFS setup:
> server exports basically with:
> /raid/home     *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
> (and no, using async is not an option, this time)

Just to throw my hat into the ring on this one...

I've noticed the 'blocking' effect on our Adaptec controller too: it
seems to occur when the process that is running requires/demands a full
disk sync.  Given the nature of our setup, with lots of systems running
on UPSen, I'm happy to use 'async' for NFS, which obviously helps

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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