On 12/8/06, Manolo Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Matt Richardson wrote:
> If I were to put 'etch' instead of 'testing' in my sources.list, like so
> deb http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/debian/ etch main
> on a new install, will I see any difference when etch becomes the new
> stable?  Sorry for the dumb question, but I've always put 'stable' or
> 'unstable' rather than 'sarge' or 'sid' in my sources.list.  I've got
> some new servers that I want to run stable amd64, but don't really
> have the time to wait for Debian 4.
> I guess the other alternative is to run the unofficial amd64 sarge.
> thanks,
No, when etch becomes stable you won't see any difference until etch
becomes oldstable, so you will have time enough then to put stable
instead of etch.


Thanks, I was pretty sure that would be the case.  Everything pointed
in that direction, but I didn't want to have to try to downgrade.

take care,


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