> > Next is flash  - you can sort of workaround it by using switftfox (comes 
> > with bugs)(not a Debian package)
> > 
> Let me just say that no flash is a bonus :-)

Full ACK here ;)
> > But the biggest problem for me is that there isn't a AMD64 nvu package. The 
> > author abandoned it to work on a replacement package, but in the mean time 
> > there isn't a good WYSIWYG html editor for web development.  (Sorry, but 
> > quanta just isn't in the same league and OO makes bloat-code out of clean 
> > html).
> > 
> Well, considering that nvu is deprecated and has basically been
> abandoned upstream as of 15 September 2006, I'd say that it is best to
> look elsewhere.

What about bluefish¹? I'm using it frequently, it works great!


¹ http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html

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