I posted this on Debian-user list, but thought someone here might have tried 
this already...

I have a amd64 install of debian with a 32bit chroot for a couple of apps.
This works great, but I have a question.

Is it possible to have an application inside the 32bit chroot launch an
application on my main 64 bit system? (e.g. a photo browsing program in the
32bit chroot launching gimp, which is installed in my main 64 bit system).
I currently launch my 32bit programs with schroot and am hoping I can set
something to make specific programs outside the chroot available...

I cannot think of how this can be achieved, so any ideas are welcomed.



Anton Piatek
blog/photos:                    http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [0xB307BAEF]       (http://tastycake.net/~anton/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 116A 5F01 1E5F 1ADE 78C6 EDB3 B9B6 E622 B307 BAEF


Anton Piatek
blog/photos:                    http://www.strangeparty.com
pgp: [0xB307BAEF]       (http://tastycake.net/~anton/anton.asc)
fingerprint: 116A 5F01 1E5F 1ADE 78C6 EDB3 B9B6 E622 B307 BAEF

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Description: PGP signature

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