
Just wondering if its me, but I have been running into some 64bit hurdles

I tried installing truecrypt - because of licensing its not part of the main
repository, and you have to build it from the source tree.  Of course somebody
has been kind enough to make a build package - works great but assumes i386, I
have left some comments to the author, just some simple changes and it works.

Now I am looking at trialing domainkeys with exim, and again I have to do a
build from source route and it looks like I am going to run into the same
problem, although this time it might be a bit harder, cause the library I have
to link to is i386.  The true crypt i386 specific stuff was just scripts.

Any one else tried the exim + domain keys.  Is there a amd64 debian wiki
somewhere I can write this up.

Does somebody have a repo with these pre built 


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