On Sun, 2007-12-10 at 14:53 -0500, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
> Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The 64-bit version of this is provided by libasound2-plugins.
> > Unfortunately, while there is a lib32asound2 package, there is no
> > lib32asound2-plugins package, so I'm trying to create one.
> You'd first need lib32-ized versions of all dependencies.  I'd be
> tempted to "cheat" and just symlink the chroot's copy of
> libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so into /emul.

I actually tried that but with no luck. I even went so far as to symlink
the entire /usr/lib from the chroot into /emul and still no luck.

I was able to manually hack up the configure script in the package to
disable a few dependencies that I didn't really need (jack support, for
example) but the other dependencies are still causing a problem.

One of these days I'll see about sitting down and creating all of the
dependency packages as well, but for the time being I'm just grudgingly
using the chroot. The number of partitions that I have mounted in
different portions of the filesystem makes the chroot a real pain to use

Alex Malinovich
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