
On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 20:41 -0500, Andy Syrewicze wrote:
> I've got a server with no gui. Just CLI and Webmin. 

Sounds like a server to me.

> I would like to have some sort of monitoring and reporting service
> that notifys me via e-mail if one of my Raid arrays Degrade and to let
> me know if the SMART check on one of my Disks fail. 

I would suggest "logcheck" it scans the log files and reports anything
that it thinks out of the ordinary.  With a bit of config you could
probably get it to report just want you're looking for.

> I would also like to use a easy to setup/simple to use mail service
> for this. 

Exim4 maybe a heavy weight e-mail system, but the package config can
make it very simple to set up your server to forward all received mail
on to you main e-mail server.  This is how I configure the various
systems (workstation and servers) in my networks.

> I've looked at Nagios for the Monitoring and it looks like hitting an
> ant with a bazooka. I figured there is something not so involved out
> there. 

I use Nagios.  When it comes to monitoring remote systems it works very
well.  I wouldn't trust it to monitor itself because if the system fails
how can it notify you?


Steve Dobson

Boomer Envy:
Envy of material wealth and long-range material security
accrued by older members of the baby boom generation by virtue of
fortunate births.
-- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated

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