On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 04:21:08PM +0000, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
> >  > That's part of why I put swap in LVM.  Why not put swap in LVM?
> Well, basically 'cos the little i'vre read of LVM seemed to confuse
> more that simplify and i don't wanna waste too much time setting this
> up. It's just one disk, one home system, nothing mission critical. As
> far as i now the advantage is that you can change partition sizes  but
> how often would i need that, especially when i know, for this system,
> what sizes are more or less required?
> My big question was is it worth it to have anything more than / and
> /home on a home system and, apparently, there's no real gain. The
> /boot partition has the use of not locking the system if / fills up,
> having / and /home on LVM would enable me to grow / if it gets too
> crowded - even though i still think 20 GB is more than enough, its
> biggest chunk ight now is a 3.6GB /usr

I've found it useful to have *two* Linux systems on my machine -- one 
stable, and one more cutting edge.  If one dies, I can still use the 
other for critical operations.  Rhe machine I'm using currently has 
three -- stable, testing, and gentoo.  They all share /home.  They all 
share the swap partition, too.

-- hendrik

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