On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 08:27 +0100, Steve Dobson wrote:
> Dean
> On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 09:44 +1100, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> > From what i have read JFS may not be in the kernel much longer. Dont 
> > know, worth someone filling me in.
> Now you have me worried.  Were did you read this?  I was thinking moving
> some of my partitions to JFS, but if it is going to be removed from the
> kernel...
> I had problems with a XFS partition on my MythTV box.  A friend had said
> that he had encountered problems with his MythTV system and recommended
> that the video store be on it's own disk as the IO of a PVR stressed the
> disk more than normal usage.  Seamed sensible, so I did just that.
> Two years later sure enough I got IO errors on the video store.  Bad
> blocks with a high logical block address, IIRC.  I put the disk to one 
> side for later testings.
> It took me a while to testing the thing, but I wanted to find out just
> how
> badly damaged it was.  I ran badblocks(8) with the full read/write
> tests.
> No errors.  Clean bill of health.  I re-formatted it and re-installed it
> in the MythTV box and it's been running fine for 6-12 months now.  I'm
> waiting to see if it fails again.
> Maybe this was a one off glitch.  Maybe its a bug in the XFS code, or in
> the
> kernel disk subsystem.  Unless/until it happens again I can't
> investigate to 
> be sure.  But I want a backup plan and if it did prove to be XFS I
> would 
> want to switch to another fast file system and JFS is my next choice.
> So where did you read of this removal of JFS from the kernel?  Why it it
> being
> considered?  And how credible is this?  Those two little sentences have 
> really opened a new can of worms.

I've suffered catastrophic data loss to JFS twice on my mythtv box, and
once on a critical office machine.

Just for the other side of the coin

/ Jo Shields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \
| Systems Manager,              |
\ Oxford Supercomputing Centre  /
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