A J Stiles:
> Firstly, do NOT install the Debian package of Flash player: it will be 
> installed system-wide in the name of root.

"In the name of root"? What do you mean by that? It's not that the flash
plugin requires some binary running with UID 0. It's just a library
(copied using root permissions into a place where every user can see it,
just like every other package) that's being used by a browser. All the
code will be run with the privileges of the user running the browser.

> You should NEVER allow software 
> whose Source code you have not inspected to be installed with privileges.

Great idea. In about a year I might have finished reading the patch from
linux 2.6.24-to linux-2.6.25 (bzipped: 9MB!). When that's done, I'll
start reading the code of my bootloader and the compilers I am using.
It's just too bad that everything's obsolete by the time I am finished.

I wear a lot of leather but would never wear fur.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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