Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 schrieb Russ Cook:
Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 schrieb Russ Cook:
I'm running an amd64, with 64bit linux (Sid), with evga 8800gts graphics
I did apt-get update && upgrade today.
Then I downloaded latest linux source from kernel.org, and
the latest nvidia-kernel-source using apt-get.
I compiled a custom kernel and latest nvidia-kernel-source according to
outlined at http://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers .  I've done
this before successfully,
and was running Nvidia driver before this action.
The problem is that X will not start now with the Nvidia driver.  It
WILL start with
the nv open source driver.
Looking in /usr/lib/xorg/modules, I have a symlink libwfb.so pointing to
libnvidia-wfb.so.100.14.11, which doesn't exist in this directory, and X
complains about
it in the Xorg.log file, attached.  It also complains about module

Can anyone offer help or suggestions?
Hi !

First of all, make sure, you compile the correct kernel-module (I suppose
you did). After installation of this, install the package "nvidia-glx".
Hope you did, too.

In /etc/X11/xorg.conf change the entry "nv" to "nvidia".

Now it should start.

If it still does not, move your script of login manager (kdm, gdm, xdm
whatever you use) out of the way, so it will not be started at boot.
(Hint: For kdm i.e. just move the files "/etc/init.d/kdm" somewhere else.
So you can restore it back later)

Now reboot your machine. You get the login prompt. Login as root and
start X using the command "startx". If it fails examine, what happens.

If it is starting as root, your user is not in the group "nvidia".

Good luck !

  Thanks for the reply.  I believe I compiled the correct things.  I
don't use gdm or kdm,
so always start manually with startx.  Logging in as root and running
'startx' gives
same result.  Problem appears to be missing object of simlink?  I am not
a member of
group nvidia (was not aware of such a group).  I AM a member of group
video.  Since
I CAN start x with nv driver, I believe my X setup is otherwise OK.
I'll poke around some
more ...

Thanks again.

Try to uncomment the line LOAD "glx" in /etc/xorg.conf.

It should work without 3d-acceleration, but it should start.

Does this work ???



Didn't help.  Attached is the Xorg.0.log .

Attachment: Xorg.0.log.old
Description: application/trash

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