(Lennart Sorensen) writes:

> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 09:36:54AM -0300, wrote:
>> can we run 32 bit pkg on amd64?
>> specifically I would like to run
>> skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb
> You could probably force the arch (not recommended)

Better to

deb-reversion -v -k /bin/sh skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb 
"Changed to amd64"

and then edit DEBIAN/control to list Architecture: amd64 and Depends: 

> You could install it in a 32bit chroot (works fine and lets you install
> needed libraries too if any)
> You might be able to use dpkg-cross to convert the package and make it
> installable, although libraries would still be an issue.

Package: ia32-apt-get
Description: Apt-get and dpkg wrapper for on-the-fly ia32-libs conversion
 On amd64 and ia64 the kernel is capable of executing i386
 binaries. For that to work with dynamically linked binaries the
 required 32bit libraries need to be available as well. This package
 contains wrappers for apt-get and dpkg that will enable you to install
 i386 packages and convert them as they are being installed.

More elaborate than just dpkg-cross.

> You could nag skype to get with the current reality and make a 64bit
> version.
> Or you could choose to ignore the awfulness that is skype and use ekiga
> or something else standards commpliant and open source which doesn't
> use an awful secret p2p like protocol. :)


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