Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Experience with installing openmpi-1.3.1 with libnuma support?
> With debian linux amd64 lenny and openmpi-1.3.1 (dual-opterons)
> ./configure cc=/opt/intel/cce/10.1.015/bin/icc
> cxx=/opt/intel/cce/10.1.015/bin/icpc
> F77=/opt/intel/fce/10.1.015/bin/ifort
> FC=/opt/intel/fce/10.1.015/bin/ifort --with-libnuma=/usr/lib
> failed because
> "expected file /usr/lib/include/numa.h was not found"
> In debian amd64 lenny numa.h has a different location
> "/usr/include/numa.h".
> I am not sure if placing a symlink in /usr/lib/include to /usr/include
> will be a safe solution. For any better idea, thanks. I regret to have
> to use ifort as amber runs faster with it (I could have set gcc above
> because amber uses the Fortran compiler only)
> francesco pietra

Hi Francesco / list

I haven't tried that particular setup, but from the output of 'configure
--help' in openmpi-1.2.5 it looks like you can use CPPFLAGS or FCFLAGS
to add custom include paths:
  CPPFLAGS    C/C++/Objective C preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
  FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags

So you could try adding '-I/usr/include' there.

Cheers, Jonas

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