Thank you for you reply. Not, this does not work either (same output as
before): I got it by downloading the .deb from skype's site, and

# ia32-dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb
# ia32-apt-get -f install

I am submitting a bug report now.

By the way, in order to keep up-to-date, do I need to do apt-get update,
apt-get dist-upgrade, ia32-apt-get update and ia32-apt-get dist-upgrade, all
the four commands?

Thank you,

Please Cc to me if replying.

2009/7/6 Goswin von Brederlow <>

> That is because ai32-apt-get, by popular demand, is no longer allowed
> to divert apt-get. You need to call ia32-apt-get or ia32-aptitude
> instead. See NEWS file in the package.
> MfG
>         Goswin

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