thats true for nvidia driver and I think this should be their
responsability, of course this is only my point of view...

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Hans-J. Ullrich <>wrote:

> Dear security team,
> since some time I watch a strange behaviour: contents of the last desktop
> are
> still somewhere in the RAM or videoram and are strangely not deleted, when
> I
> change to another windcow manager or reboot.
> Just before I start kdm or a new window manager, I see a puzzled content
> from
> the desktop before
> An example: when I ran XFCE, then rebooted, and want to start KDE, I see
> kdm,
> then the splash screen of KDE, then the contents of the XFCE-desktop, then
> starts.
> The only way to get rid of this, is to completely put off all powersources
> (including put off battery of the notebook) and start again.
> IMO this is strange, as this fragments of the old desktops might block
> somehow
> maybe, and they are of course a security hole.
> Reason? When those desktop datas are still in the memory after a reboot,
> they
> can of course be read by attackers. Those datas may leave unwanted
> informations, for example you can see, whom I follow at twitter, who am I
> myself and many other infos, which can be recognized from a desktop.
> As I told: shutting down a notebook does not delete them!!!
> A stolen notebook might show lots of unwanted informations. And besides, I
> do
> not know, how easy it is to get access to these datas, as they are still
> there
> BEFORE X starts, and BEFORE a NEW windowmanager will overwrite these datas.
> IMO this is a great security whole! A patch would be, to make sure, all
> datas
> from videoram are deleted, when no x-server is running any more.
> Would be nice, if someone could give some background information to this
> behaviour.
> Thanks for reading this.
> Best regards
> Hans-J. Ullrich
> --
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