Dear maintainers,

IMO the complete removing of the package ia32-apt-get by the ftp-master is not 
such good style.

Doing so is breaking the system, as some applications need ia32-somewhat 
packages. For example , I found no way, to install nvidia-glx-ia32, as it 
depends on ia32-libx11-6 and ia32-libxext6.

Same problem is for googleearth, and I do not know, which packages are also 

If you think, you should remove ia32-apt-get, so please make sure, it does not 
break the system! I am a little bit concerned, why ftp-master decided to 
remove it, even if this package might be in unstable state, it should be at 
least in experimental, so that people can choose to use it or not.

I tested ia32-apt-get now for a long time, it is working very well, no 
problems are found. But going back to ia32-libs and ia32-libs-gtk would break 
the system now.

How can I help other people? I cannot help them to install needed packages 
(like nvidia-glx-ia32) as they cannot installed. I cannot correct this, by 
telling him: "Install ia32-apt-get" because ftp-master removed ia32-apt-get! 
Bad situation, don't you agree?

So, please put it back, at least to experimental.

Have a nice weekend

Hans-J. Ullrich


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