Dear maintainers and developers,

I was asked by a very good friend of mine, who I am sometimes helping with her 
debian-amd64/sid on her notebook to send you a great, great "Thank you!!!" for 
your work in debian. 

As she is not so well in English language, she asked me to send it, and I am 
very very pleased to do so.

The wants to thank you especially, that you never forget about people with old 
hardware (she owns an ATI Radeon RV200 chip in her notebook with a 1,6GHz cpu) 
so that debian is still running on it. Furthermore she wants to thank you, 
that bugs are so fast closed (she is always astonished, how fast!!) and that 
she can work so easy with debian. She will never ever get back to windows, she 

So, as she is speaking right out of my heart, there is nothing I can add to 
this, and so we say: Thank you very, very much for all the fun and pleasure!

Best regards

Hans-J. Ullrich
and Ulrike Fischer

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