You've mailed this only to me, not the list.

2010/5/31 Jaime Ochoa Malagón <>:
> 2010/5/31 Nuno Magalhães <>:

> and in the other hand (yeah I have a two couples o them) could you
> expect the list of amd64 is in portuguese?

According to the convention, i guess that would be
debian-amd64-portuguese. The glitch is: there's no
debian-user-english, for instance.

> Do you speak spanish?

I speak portuñol if that counts as anything :) i can understand most
spanish. I speak portuguese from Portugal natively and i also speak
esperanto fluently.

> the japanese people have two sets of kanjis the fisrt one is used to
> speak their language end the second one to "acept" new language
> components as laser (レーザー) their kanjis are an idea as water (水) only
> one kanji to express the idea...

I was under the impression mandarin uses one symbol per idea, whereas
"japanese" uses phonetics, but i've never studied either (maybe
japanese, some day, after russian).

> Sorry I need to say all of this because I am a natural spanish speaker
> and I pretty ofended of the patological necesity of change every
> foreing word to "adapt" it in our lenguage...

Grow a thicker skin. I don't like it when i see commercials with a
bunch of foreign (i.e. english) words when they could use plain,
simple portuguese but "english sounds cool". It's our fault really,
not the anglosaxons'. I don't need to say briefing when i can say
"reunião" or "sessão de esclarecimento". It's longer? Gee, what's the

I prefer movies with subtitles.

> Another funny example are the programing lenguage do you have read a
> book with translated programing examples something like
> write("Hello world")
> escribe("Hola mundo")

I agree when you say the "computer folk language" is english, it is so
for me as well. I do find it ridiculous to use something like:
escrever("Olá mundo!") - at least the 'escrever' part, unless this is
pseudo-code, in which case i don't see any harm in it. I don't think i
could easily use a programming language with reserved words in
portuguese, i'm too used to english as my computer language.

> could you think in a chinese/japanese programming language?, I prefer
> it in english and thanks because my variables could have a full
> meaning because my words are not reserved words YEAH!

Yup. Still, one of my pet hates is still the fact Unicode is not
widely adopted and i get ISOs and ASCIIs more than i'd like.

> have a nice day!!!

Tu también.

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