On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, simon raven wrote:

> Le Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 08:31:35 +0100, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto a ïcrit:
> >
> > Hi Simon,
> >     clearly you did not read entirely the error message in the first
> > place since for that error you are not supposed to open bugs against
> > apache. info files as shipped by the mentioned modules, in this case
> > mod_tsunami, mod_accouting and mod_dynvhost. Please file bugs against
> > them.
> yeh no problem.
> oh so it's to the debian-apache@lists.debian.org list instead of BTS? i
> saw that address when i was using reportbug, so i thought it would get
> forwarded there... doh!

that is the mailing list address and the "virtual maintainer" for apache
since we are a team behind it. The reason why we do not want bugs for that
error is that apache is "clean" and it has been fixed all at once. So the
only reason why you can see that error is that another debian modules has
not been cleaned up properly or a manual installed modules did not follow
the debian rules (of course when installed in the debian way). So
virtually we are "this bug" free.

> i'm too tired right now to think straight, but i think that's what you
> mean, right?

No .. it would have been enough to read the other 2 lines of the error ;)

> good night/day/whatever :)


> no problems with that.



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