On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Matthew Wilcox wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 05:37:08AM -0600, Dave O wrote:
> >
> > Ok, it looks like rotatelogs (which is what I meant in my previous email)
> > no longer comes with apache-common?  In that case, it was apache
> > attempting to open a pipe to a nonexistant program to log which hangs.
> > Still think this is a bug :-)
> Apache in woody doesn't use rotatelogs, it uses logrotate.  What
> on earth are you doing?

not woody, sid.

CustomLog   "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /path/to/access.log 86400" combined

/usr/sbin/rotatelogs was in apache-common before, but no longer seems to
be.  The 1.3.29 apache tarball still has it, though :/

The real problem here, however, is that apache simply hangs when you log
to a pipe and the program you are logging to is not found.  No error could
be found anywhere and the end result is that all apache children end up
hung and once you reach MaxClients the server is unusuable.

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