reassign 330727 apache-common

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 04:11:22PM +0100, Edward Allcutt wrote:
> The postrm runs /usr/sbin/modules-config. since libapache-mod-auth-mysql
> depends on apache-common which owns this, this is probably fine. However
> /usr/sbin/modules-config fails if apache is not installed which results
> in the postrm failing and hence the package is uninstallable.
> This may of course be a bug with apache-common, but I think the postrm
> should allow for this possible failure.

Apart from tacking an "|| true" onto the modules-config invocation (which
can hide a multitude of sins) I'm not sure how the libapache-mod-auth-mysql
postrm *could* allow for the possible failure of an external program,
especially when a failure of that program should be something that
libapache-mod-auth-mysql should know about and pitch a small fit.

I really think that modules-config failing when the apache package itself
isn't installed is an apache-common problem, so I'm reassigning it there.

- Matt

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