Alle 17:41, sabato 14 ottobre 2006, Tollef Fog Heen ha scritto:
> > [.. ] asking to have
> > /proc installed have only meanings of "current system" installs, not a
> > generic one. So this bug is valid for all packages that requires /proc to
> > finish the installation.

> Then you should build in a UML or Xen instance or something similar
> which is as close to a generic system as possible.

This is a nice advice and will permits to spot "bug" similar to that one, 
thanks I will look at this issue after etch.

> > If I dig maintainers scripts and provide a patch, could that be
> > integrated asap or will just be a useless effort by me?

> I don't think you can, given that the way it currently works is by
> design. 

This sentence is exactly clear to me, that means that such a patch will not be 

> If we can't determine whether port 80 is in use or not, we 
> assume it is.

So if /proc is not mounted you could just assume that port 80 is free and do 
not fail the installation of package will be possible?


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