On 11.02.19 13:36, Jan Wagner wrote:
> Am 11.02.19 um 13:12 schrieb Sven Hartge:

>>> Okay ... here is an area where you can push forward. What about
>>> providing documentation patches?

>> Sure. What kind of documentation. NEWS.Debian?

> where would you expect such a documentation, as you suggested it?

I'd expect this information in NEWS.Debian.

Maybe something like this:

Apache2.4 in Debian uses mpm_event to process requests.

When used with SSL and under very specific circumstances, Apache will
stop accepting new connections until a certain timeout has occurred.
This causes a service disruption as the webserver not longer processes
new request.

To work around this issue, switch to mpm_worker or mpm_prefork, which
both don't show this problem.

This issue has been documented as https://bugs.debian.org/902493 and

Language of course needs a bit of refining from my German-English.

Again: I still propose to switch to mpm_worker as default MPM for
Stretch so not every admin has to hit the same wall at some time.


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