Hello, We’re maintaining Certbot and it’s Apache plugin on Debian. In the past, changes to the Apache HTTPd package on different OSes have broken the way Certbot interacts with web server. We are contacting to let you know what functionality we are relying on to see if we can find a way to ensure uninterrupted operability of Certbot on Debian. We would also love to hear your thoughts about the way we’re currently doing this - especially if you think there would be a better practice to do some or all of these actions on Debian.
If possible, we would also like to get notified if some of the functionality of these interaction points that we depend on changes, so we can adapt our code before the functionality breaks for the users. If your distribution’s packaging infrastructure allows tests that could send notifications over to us, it would be a great thing to have. That said, we definitely do not want to block your development or maintenance of Apache HTTPd on Debian, but would merely like to keep our software compatible with upstream changes. The integration points: Configuration structure root: /etc/apache2 Logs directory (used when creating a new VirtualHost for redirects): /var/log/apache2 Apache calls: Version check: apache2ctl -v Restart: apache2ctl graceful Config test: apache2ctl configtest List loaded modules: apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_MODULES List Define’d variables: apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_RUN_CFG List Include’d configuration files: apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_INCLUDES We’re also calling a2enmod and and a2dismod scripts to enable / disable modules (like mod_ssl) if needed. -- Joona Hoikkala