On 26/03/11 17:07, Phil Endecott wrote:
> David, if you want to be "realistic", you'll find that in almost all cases 
> small
> size, ARM, and even low performance are things that you should expect to pay a
> premium for.  For fun you can try to factor in the reduction in your 
> electricity
> bill, but normally the small x86 (i.e. Atom) box will still be cheaper.

Well, the R3700 consumes (they say) about 25W when running, which is
about 20W more than the SheevaPlug --- so over a year, the R3700
consumes about 200 kWh compared to the SheevaPlug's 40. I pay about 10p
per kWh, so this means that the relative running costs are 20 pounds vs 4...

It's a shame about the prices; the SheevaPlug occupies a very nice sweet
spot with enough grunt to be useful, low power consumption and a nice
price. The DreamPlug has largely the same specs for twice the price ---
the only difference is that it has a few more ports (although, useful ones).

I've seen the AC100 for 180 pounds, which looks like a pretty nice
device; although not really suited for what I want. Has anyone started
putting the Tegra 2 chipset into mini-PC form factor devices?

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "I have a mind like a steel trap. It's rusty and full of dead mice."
│ --- Anonymous, on rasfc

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