> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:31:23 +0200
> From: drea...@doukki.net
> To: brianpl...@hotmail.com
> CC: debian-arm@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Debian on thecus N2100
> Hi Brian,
> Le 10/04/2013 14:41, Brian Platt a écrit :
> > I'm tring to install debian on the Thecus N2100 using the instructions from 
> > http://www.cyrius.com/debian/iop/n2100/ however when formatting the 
> > partitions the bar goes up to 33%  (I know it can take ages for the bar to 
> > update) as expected however for some reason after a few minutes hard disk 
> > activity stops and eventually the network connection is dropped. It seems 
> > someone had a similar problem here 
> > http://blog.coldtobi.de/1_coldtobis_blog/archive/171_installing_debian_on_the_thecus_n2100_--_part_3_--_installing_debian.html
> >  . I've tried raid non raid single and dual drives, manual and guided setup 
> > and it always fails. I've also tried the ssh connection via putty and via 
> > linux terminal. I thought it was  hardware problem so bought another one 
> > with new drivers etc and still the problem exists.
> > 
> > Anyone got any ideas what could be going on?
> I have few thecus N2100 working 24/24 7/7 while following my notes[1] (2 
> years old) about debianized Thecus-N2100.
> May be you can try to plug a serial console for debugging the issue you seem 
> to encounter.
> Regards,
> drEagle
> [1] https://doukki.net/doku.php?id=wiki:notes:n2100

> I've soldered a serial header and using the pin outs "You only need to 
> connect pin 2 (RX), pin 3 (TX) and pin 5 (GND)" > > > shouldn't VCC go 
> somewhere? i'm using a PL2303 USB to TTL RS232 converter or will it not work 
> with ie just a normall 
> serial cable?

update i've managed to get output but it's all random symbols i'm using 115220 
8N1 and i've resolver the header about 20 times and still the same


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