
2016-03-21 13:33 GMT+01:00 Ian Campbell <i...@debian.org>:

> Hopefully checking ARCH_MULTI_* would be sufficient, rather than
> needing to list all the (many many) CPU_*. That relies on a sufficient
> number of platforms being multi arch enabled, IIRC all v7 ones are now,
> so lack of an ARCH_MULTI_* would indicate arm or armel I suppose.

Tbh, ARM kernel is ABI agnostic which means that a v7 machine running
armhf or armel userland would not care if kernel is compiled with one
ABI or the other.
IOTW, people is free to run armel or armhf on ARMv7 capable hardware.
This issue rather than upstream is more tight to Debian package level
as our kernel packages specify which ABI package is built for to match
the userland. As stated in the past, the right fix, IMO, would be
checking the compiler default ABI, otherwise this issue might continue
to show in the future and it is not entirely precise.

See https://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2012/05/msg00019.html

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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