On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 5:04 PM, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

> Given the security [or lack thereof, in reality] of both iOS and
> Android, I would rather have Debian directly on a mobile.

If you ignore proprietaryness, I expect iOS devices are more secure
than Debian, given their secure enclave stuff. Debian doesn't yet have
support for Secure Boot.

If you mean "only Debian" then you can get that on the N900 since it
has Linux mainline support. I don't know if anyone has tested Debian's
Linux kernel images on N900 though.

If you mean "vendor stuff plus Debian userland" then you can get that
on any Android-based mobile device where you can get root, here is an
example of doing that by modifying the initramfs (so I could switch
between Android and Debian by flashing the initramfs):


Some more links:




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