On 5 July 2016 at 08:40, Samuel Henrique <samuel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-07-05 7:43 GMT-03:00 Jose R R <jose....@metztli-it.com>:
>> We're getting to the point where there's a fairly pressing need for
>> arm64 - the more useful hardware is starting to get a wider distribution
>> and we don't really have anything for people who want to run Debian
>> that gets them a supported system with an upgrade path.
> We have Debian Stretch, which is what i recommend to anybody who wants do
> install Debian as a desktop.
> I understand the difference of running Debian Testing and Debian Stable with
> some backported packages, but is it really worth it?
> Shouldn't we discuss more the usability of Testing as a solid release, or
> maybe start doing a stable release and another release kinda like Testing
> but with more stability guarantees?
> I'm not really sure, but i think opensuse has a model like that.
> They always end up using Debian Testing, knowing that the main risk comes
> when the unfreeze happens and that while the freeze is rolling they will
> have a more stable debian (compared to when unfreezed).

I personally like to test stable+1 on my laptop by changing stable to
stable+1_codename about a month after the freeze happens; it then
transitions to stable automatically, and no trouble with the unfreeze.
As for building off of a [semi]rolling release model, from testing,
I'm pessimistic because of historical precedents for success.  For
example: http://cut.debian.net/

Tanglu seems to have stalled, and SolydXK is now stable+bpos, but
maybe they will go back to using stable+1 once it freezes? And a
recent discussion on running testing ->

Of course, I'd also love to see it work! :-)  I'm guessing it requires
a substantial investment of time and a very dedicated—and large


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