Paul Wise wrote:
On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:07 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Is there still a kernel etc. anywhere for the original Raspberry Pi?
The wiki says you need a custom version of the Linux kernel, so
probably you'll have to grab the one from Raspbian:
I'd been going round in circles with the Debian wiki and Raspbian's
download site, but I think I see what you mean: use the kernel etc. from
Raspbian plus an armel root.
pukka Debian
What is pukka Debian? Typo?
i.e. Debian e.g. from as distinct
from Raspbian.
In practice I'm already using a Raspbian kernel with a root built on
stuff from the link above, and doing something comparable for a v1 (i.e.
no hf) doesn't sound like too big a deal.
The issue that's causing this is that usb_modeswitch will work properly
with a 4G router on Debian on a Pi3, but not on Raspbian on a Pi2 or
Pi1. I feel on firmer ground trying to faultfind this on with pukka
Debian, looking for different binary or script files hasn't got me anywhere.
Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk
[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]